Remember Katrina!
Karen found Operation Den. I thought it should go here, since this blog was started because of hurricane Katrina. The pictures and text are both extraordinary.
Thanks, Karen.
Lemuria is a world without borders, status or property. It is no small irony that myth tells us that Lemuria was devastated by events like the Tsunami in South East Asai and the hurricane that devastated New Orleans and surrounding areas. Passport carrying Lemurians are free to wander within any part of this realm. Any artist or writer who has lost their home, or had their lives totally dislocated as a result of the tsunami's of life is entitled to free passports.
Karen found Operation Den. I thought it should go here, since this blog was started because of hurricane Katrina. The pictures and text are both extraordinary.
Dear Stamping friends,
I've grown very tired of all the propaganda telling me how I'm every bit as human and valuable as a healthy counterpart in this society. How do they figure that is so? Granted there are always going to be examples of those who rose above their disability and still became wealthy and I know they find romance against all the odds. That's the thing about propaganda, it has it's greatest strength when it makes one person's unusual success seem as that which is easily achieved by anyone.
Most morning I would awake to the sound of the pylon drivers at the end of our street. Those were familiar sounds the kind you can easily sleep through. This particular morning was devoid of the usual loud banging which would start at 7 am. I heard voices in the apartment and not my parents voices either. This was highly unusual, people never came calling before 11 am, and those occasions were very few indeed.
These are the words of Buddha, and I have been thinking about them a lot lately, as I watch the world turning into our worst nightmare.
There are many free programs for your computers on offer through the internet, if you need links per Microsoft or other, let me know. Security, art programs, games for kids, and many other things can be downloaded to disks - ask people for spares, maybe? Then the download is easier. All for free! Bless you!
I am part of a group of people in St. Louis who will be giving refugees a more comfortable place to stay for a while as the water receeds and their houses are rebuilt.
September 3, 2005
Lemuria is a world without borders, status or property. It is no small irony that myth tells us that Lemuria was devastated by events like the Tsunami in South East Asia and the hurricane that devastated New Orleans and surrounding areas. Passport carrying Lemurians are free to wander within any part of this realm. Any artist or writer who is a refugee, has lost their home, had their lives totally dislocated, is entitled to free passports to travel and gain the pyschological support of other travellers.